In a journey spanning over six decades, Sophie Edwards, a stalwart supporter of the West Texas Symphony, reflects on her deep-rooted connection with music and community enrichment through the orchestra.

Sophie's affinity for the symphony dates back to her early childhood in Odessa, Texas, where she vividly recalls the allure of seeing local music educators Jo and Robert Sewell dressed elegantly for their evenings at the Odessa Symphony. This initial fascination planted a seed that would flourish throughout her life.

“My earliest memories are intertwined with the symphony,” Sophie reminisced. “The music always seemed to transport me, even as a child.”

Decades later, upon retiring from her career in teaching, Sophie was invited by Pat Canty to join the symphony's board — an invitation she accepted eagerly, given her lifelong passion for music. Now serving her fifth year on the board and fourth as secretary, she remains committed to fostering the symphony's growth and impact.

“I've witnessed the symphony evolve through its challenges,” she reflected. “But its enduring impact on our community has always been clear — it enriches lives culturally and educates generations.”

For Sophie, supporting the symphony goes beyond personal enjoyment; it's about paving the way for future generations to experience the same cultural enrichment.

“I want my grandchildren to cherish the symphony as I have,” she explains. “It's a legacy worth preserving.”

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Beyond its cultural contributions, Sophie applauds the symphony's dedication to education. Programs like Marvelous Melodies for school students, side-by-side performances, and educational talks by Maestro Gary Lewis enhance music appreciation among audiences of all ages.

“The symphony isn't just about performances; it's about fostering a deeper connection to music,” she emphasized.

In recent years, Sophie has been heartened by the symphony's outreach efforts, extending its reach to more communities across West Texas. She appreciates the diverse programming, from the grandeur of Masterworks Series to the lively Pops & Family Series, which cater to varied musical tastes.

“The symphony reflects the essence of our community,” she asserted. “It's about celebrating local talent and creating memorable musical experiences.”

Looking ahead, Sophie plans to continue sharing her passion for the symphony with her family, including introducing her young grandson to the Sounds of the Season and Superman in Concert this season.

“There's nothing quite like spending an evening in comfortable clothes, drink in hand, relaxing and letting the music of the West Texas Symphony speak to me,” she concludes with a smile. “For me, it’s a piece of heaven on earth.”

Inspired by Sophie's story? DONATE NOW to support the West Texas Symphony and enrich our community!